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The world is a better place when women make money!


I want to help you get more clients and money with more fulfillment!


Join a community of other women entrepreneurs and get coaching to reach your next level of success.

Im ready to join!
Being an Ambitious Women is powerful and you are not alone!


You have a heart of GOLD! Business feels hard because you don't know how your desire to help people translates into marketing, sales and growing your business.


You know you can help people from your own transformation but you don't know how to share it so that people say yes!


You have a big vision and a burning desire to help more people but there's so much conflicting advice out and you're not sure how to make it real.

Join a Sisterhood


elevate your mindset and refine your marketing skills to grow your business

Ready to Join


when you join you'll get...

Everything you need to thrive as an entrepreneur

There are so many programs where all you do is consume modules! I created a LIVE space very intentionally for women to come and get personalized support and join a connected community of women who are on the same path as you.  Together we will grow your business by developing your entrepreneur mindset and skills.  You're not buying videos you'll never finishing watching. This is live and grows with you!

Sign Up Now


As Ambitious Women we powerfully combine structure and systems with intuition and flow to expand your

3 entrepreneurial freedoms


Create marketing and make sales to grow your revenue 


Develop mastery around how you use your time so you can be present with your kids and still move the needle in your business


Increase your impact and serve the people you feel called to help

How It Works


01 Live Teaching  

I teach concepts monthly about marketing, creating offers, building whole wealth, and growing your business without burnout.

 02 Group Coaching
Every month I'll open we meet for open coaching where you can be coached and listen to others to get personalized support and direction.


03 Community Chat
We have an Instagram group chat for sharing wins, asking questions, getting support. My clients love it.

Join Now

About Aubin

Life and business coach for women

After spending years a nurse, I went all in as an entrepreneur. It was hard in the beginning, It was not what thought it would be. I felt stressed. I doubted myself. I questioned if I would ever make it. It wasn't until I learned how to combine the intuition and mindset part of business with strategy and systems that it started to work. I 6x my income as a nurse now and do it all working from home as my own boss.  

Ready to Join

Imagine 6 months from now...


  • working with clients that you love
  • knowing what to do to grow your business
  • waking up excited to talk about what you do
  • making more money
  • spending time with kids and husband not stressed about work
  • feeling on fire about what you do in the world


This is what we'll do together inside Ambitious Women!

Levels of Ambitious Women Membership



  • Monthly live teaching call
  • Monthly live group coaching call
  • community chat
  • Live Call Replays
Get GOLDEN Membership now


  • Monthly live teaching call
  • Monthly live group coaching call
  • community chat
  • Live Call Replays
  • Monthly Project & Accountability call
  • Monthly Workshop call
  • Vault of previous trainings and calls for Ambitious Women
Get PLATINUM Membership Now


  • Monthly live teaching call
  • Monthly live group coaching call
  • community chat
  • Live Call Replays
  • Monthly Project & Accountability call
  • Monthly Workshop call
  • Vault of previous trainings and calls for Ambitious Women
  • 4 private coaching calls to use within the 6 months
Get DIAMOND Membership Now
Don't forget your bonuses  

Bonus #1- Power Women Book Club membership ( Valued at $300)

  • Monthly Book delivered to you by physical or audible preference
  • Group Chat to discuss all month 
  • Bonus mini call at end of month to discuss what learned



Bonus #2- I AM WOMAN course ( Valued at $55)

  • 7 classes and worksheets to help you step into full power as woman in business


Join Ambitious Women and get these Bonuses