72. Confidence that Leads to Intuition

Confidence is often misunderstood to come from achievements or accolades from the outside. But TRUE confidence origins from within and is what you can actually use to create and serve others in your own authentic way. And when in true confidence, leaning into and recognizing your own intuition is natural and pivotal.

Listen as I coach one of my clients, Heather Doney, and help her use her true confidence and intuition to create her own program and be who she really wants to be and experience it very intentionally.


If you want help learning to use intuition and do business the feminine way, Im offering a free call this coming Friday, March 29, 2024 where we will look at what intuition in business really looks like! Register here for the Zoom link:come to POWER WOMAN Call


And also come to my upcoming masterclass I AM WOMAN, that will take you into really embodying your identity as a woman in business so you can serve, collaborate, magnetize, flow all while having fun! This will help you make more money and create full balanced life at the same time! Join waitlist for $22 discount code to join on April 8: join waitlist for I AM WOMAN