74. Balancing Financial Growth and Family Life

Do you ever worry that you're working too much?  Or that if you are making lots of money it means you're not spending enough time with your family? 

Listen as I coach one of my clients, Tess O'Driscoll, where we work through her worries about making more money and still showing up for her family. You might realize some of the limiting beliefs holding you back as well and find ways to break through so that you can create money and be the mom you want to be at the same time!


If this or anything else you have heard on my podcast is something you're really ready to work through and create the life and business you want, I have open spots right now for private coaching and would love to help you. Send me an email at [email protected] and we can set up a time to talk about what you are wanting and how I can help you create it!