86. Structure and Flow

Some people thrive on structure; they have their schedule and they stick to it; they have to do lists and checking off the boxes brings them so much joy. 

Others thrive on going with the flow; they get some of their best ideas by following bits of inspiration; they don’t necessarily plan out the day, they lean into whatever energy they’ve got at the moment. 

Most of us probably lean toward either structure or flow in how we manage our businesses as well as our lives. And while your preference may help you run your life just the way you like it, it’s important to have both structure and flow present in how you run your business. This creates a balance between being productive and being authentic. 

Listen to today’s podcast to figure out how to use both structure and flow in your business so that you can step into your full power.


My group program, Ambitious Women, is opening to join on July 15! I want to help more women and make it easier for them to work with me, and so I created different levels so you can start in the program for as little as $100. Join the waitlist to have access to this price and a free call on July 15 where I will teach you more about structure and flow and answer any questions about Ambitious Women. Join the waitlist here: https://www.aubinpalmercoaching.com/ambitiouswomenwaitlist