88. Sisterhood Part 2

Sisterhood is a natural part of womanhood. We get each other and connect. But having sisterhood in growing your business, now that is magic. This was the driving force in why I created my group program Ambitious Women back in January of 2023 and I recorded an episode called sisterhood then! ( Episode 14), but as I have run this program the last year and a half and learned even more about the power of women in business, I had to update what sisterhood means and share it with you. So here is Sisterhood Part 2!


Sisterhood plus coaching will help you grow your business 1000x faster and easier! So what are you waiting for? Ambitious Women is open NOW to join until July 31 at midnight.


Come join this sisterhood to learn the entrepreneurial skills of mindset and marketing and make so much more impact in the world through your business, and naturally making ore money because of it!  If youā€™re ready to take the ambitious drive that helped you start your business to the next level, JOIN US NOW in Sisterhood: https://www.aubinpalmercoaching.com/ambitious-women