104. ONE with Your Past and Future Self

This is a special episode that is a guided meditation I led at the beginning of Ambitious Women a few weeks ago. Every week after everyone shares their  wins, I lead the group in a meditation. It is never planned or scripted,  but what I feel intuitley to help the women with that day. As I was finishing this one I felt strongly I needed to share it here on the podcast too for someone. Maybe that someone is you? It's short but powerful in helping you connect and be one with your past self from just 1 year ago and future self in 1 year. Listen and please share if its impactful for you.

And if you like this podcast and its helping you, you will love my group program Ambitious Women even more. I help women find more clients and make more money without the stress and keep the balanced life they want.  I mentor and coach to help you be in full power with a group and sisterhood of other women. If you're interested, join this waitlist to be informed next time it's open to join: https://www.aubinpalmercoaching.com/ambitiouswomenwaitlist