Power Women

Power Women

Hosted by: Aubin Palmer

You really do have the power to create everything you want in life and business! Listen to this podcast to really dive into your power with mindset, money and marketing as a woman running her own business to feel...

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72. Confidence that Leads to Intuition

Confidence is often misunderstood to come from achievements or accolades from the outside. But TRUE confidence origins from within and is what you can actually use to create and serve others in your own authentic way....
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71. Hustle vs Anti-Hustle

Are you on team anti-hustle, but not sure exactly what that means? I heard someone recentlyĀ  sayĀ  that people against hustling are entitled and I have to disrespectfully disagree! And so I went deep into what hustle...
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70. Fear of Success

Have you ever realized that it's not as much fear of failure that is stopping you, but fear of what you will do with success? Listen to this episode to hear the powerful story of one of my clients Brey Lawlor and how...
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69. Trifecta for Streamlined Marketing

Marketing does not have to be stressful or overwhelming. But adding more platforms to your marketing can easily lead to this. Listen to this epsidoe for my very easy process of streamlining content and the trifecta of...
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68. 8 Steps to 10x

Ready to grow your business in the feminine way? In this episode I give you everyting I use and help my clients with to grow their businesses so you can too! And if you want help really implementing all of this,...
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67. Business is a Game

Are you every feeling stressed or stuck in your business? What if you zoomed out and saw the fun it really is to run a business, and even considered it to be a game? It does not have to be so serious. Listen to this...
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66. Your Irresistible Offer

You are the heart of your business! But having an offer that you are selling is the only way for your business to actually make money. So having clarity and alignment are pivotal to make this offer really yours, but...
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65. Real Business

Do you ever struggle feeling like you have a "real" business? Here's the thing, what makes your business real is how you are thinking about it and then shwoign up because of it! Why would any customer buy from you if...
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64. 3 parts of a Successful Launch

Learning to launch new offers in your business is pivotal to success, but still so many are afraid and worried of the results that they don't know what to do and sometimes dont even do it. But learning how to make...
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63. Nothing to Fix in 2024

Do you set new goals for your business by seeing whats a problem, what you need to fix and setting new goals around it? This is actually making it harder from the beginning because you are in an energy of lack and...
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62. Christmas Redemption

Because this episode comes out on CHRISTMAS 2023 I want you to use it as a chance to feel the redeption of the season and feel redemption yourself for you who really are! You are amazing and sell yourself short all to...
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61. Creating Luck

Are you a lucky person? What if I told you no one is lucky! That's right, you get to CREATE whatever you want and its so much better than luck! If you're ready to let go of whether or not you are lucky, and see how...
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