Power Women

Power Women

Hosted by: Aubin Palmer

You really do have the power to create everything you want in life and business! Listen to this podcast to really dive into your power with mindset, money and marketing as a woman running her own business to feel...

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60. BE a Wealthy Woman

Do you feel like you are a wealthy woman today? The truth is, if you don't you never will, because there is always more you could have. Learning to see all that you have today, and not just financilly that creates...
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59. Humbug! (You're Not a Scrooge!)

Do you ever feel a little guilty like you're being a Scrooge to want and create money? Especially at this time of year where we revisit stories like the Christmas Carol where Scrooge is portrayed as unhappy and not...
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58. You are NOT Busy

Are you wrapped up in your identity as a busy woman? What if that is not helping you though? Think about it! What do you feel when you call yourself busy? Stress? Overwhelm? Worry/anxiety? These emotions don't help...
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57. Getting it Right

Do you constantly worry about getting things right? This is an all too common worry that stops you right where you are! Because there is no "right" and what you're actually worried about is if what you are saying is...
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56. Women are Creators

When running a business as a woman it is so important to be in your full creative energy as a woman! When we lose touch with this creation we have within us, we are forgetting to use our natural strength as a woman....
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55. Change What People Think About You

Are you worried about what others will think about you on a frequent basis? Especially when it comes to your business? This is a natrual human fear, but I have seen it stop way too many women from begin authentic and...
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54. G.O.A.T.

Do you feel like the G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) version of yourself right now in your business? What if this same acronym could help you to show up that way easier. Listen to this week's episode of my podcast to...
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53. Be Present by Making Peace with Past & Future

Learning to be present is an art. I have found that what really keeps us from being present is our pain from the past and our worries of the future. But you have full power to change the past and create the future you...
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52. Lose the Weight of Limiting Beliefs (lbs)

Are you feeling stuck or heavy in trying to move forward with things in your business? What's holding you back is actually the limiting beliefs you are holding onto that literally weigh you down! Its no coincidence...
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51. Magnetizing Money

Are you ready to make money in an energy of flow and attraction? This is actually more in your power as a woman with embodying your full feminine energy! Listen to this episode to really step into abundance and start...
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50. Limitless Possibilities

Are you playing it safe and in your control in your business? Listen to this episode to learn how to step into your limitless possibilties and to thrive in the unknown and how to know what you really desire and whats...
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49. Your Successful Business

No matter what point of business you are in you can feel successful! Yes thats right! Defining success in what you do each day combined with big goals is the secret I have found to feeling the success every step of...
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