Power Women

Power Women

Hosted by: Aubin Palmer

You really do have the power to create everything you want in life and business! Listen to this podcast to really dive into your power with mindset, money and marketing as a woman running her own business to feel...

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24. Pivoting

Episode #24

Are you in the middle of making a decision for your business and are afraid to make the wrong decision? Or are you ready to change something and pivot to what feels best for you now? Learning to step into going with...
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23. Working WITH your emotions through Tapping with Karina Biesinger

Episode #23

If you feel trapped or constantly avoiding certain emotions, it makes it very hard to move forward with your business. One of my favorite methods of working with these emotions is through tapping, and so I invited...
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22. Create your own Puzzle

Episode #22

Do you ever feel frustrated that you know what you want in your business, but you're not sure HOW to do it. Thinking of your business as a puzzle you are building without a picture to guide you is a great way to think...
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21. Why some offers sell and others don't

Episode #21

Do you feel like you have a great offer but it's just not selling? You can have the best offer in the world, but if you are not telling people this very important part of it, they don't see how amazing it is. Ā Listen...
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20. Living Your Purpose

Episode #20

Finding, knowing and living your purpose is a lifelong journey. But the point is not to know what to do, but to be you in all that you do. Listen to this episode as the inspired Paulie Lynn shares with us what dharma...
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19. Done with Mom Guilt

Episode #19

Do you love your kids but feel bad for not spending all your time with them? Do you worry you are selfish? Not meeting all their needs? Not being the mom you want to be, Ā but not sure what to do? All of these kind of...
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18. Hard work without the Hustle

Episode #18

Are you confused because you know you don't want to hustle and be drained from running your business, but you do want to work hard and get things done? The important part to realize is that hustling and hard work are...
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17. Waking up before your kids

Episode #17

Do you want to wake up before your kids to start your day off with some personal time or even get some work done first thing? But you feel like you're just not a morning person, so there's no way it's possible. What...
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16. Marketing made Simple with Rebekah Hebdon

Episode #16

Do you feel like marketing is too much work? You're dont know what content to create? How to share it across multiple platforms, how to be consistent? And how to make offers without being salesy? All of these things...
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15. Your Marriage in your Business with Anna Bulloch

Episode #15

Running your own business as a woman can easily be affected by and affect your marriage. But it doesn't have to. Listen as I talk with marriage coach Anna Bulloch on how we as women can separate the two and find the...
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14. Sisterhood

Episode #14

Listen to this story of when I really felt the power of sisterhood and saw how it is what we need to give and receive to run our businesses in abundance and all have this power with us always. ( and stay tuned for the...
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13. Working With Your Cycle with Ashlee Sorenson

Episode #13

As a woman, did you know that your menstrual cycle has much more in it than your fertility? It actually can help you know and use your best strengths at different parts of your month in all of your life. Listen to...
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