Power Women

Power Women

Hosted by: Aubin Palmer

You really do have the power to create everything you want in life and business! Listen to this podcast to really dive into your power with mindset, money and marketing as a woman running her own business to feel...

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36. 5 Life Skills Business has Taught Me

Episode #36

Being an entrepreneur is really one of the best life courses there is. It helps you to look at what is holding you back and face all your insecurities and worries. But learning to overcome these things is the best,...
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35. What's Really Stopping You

Episode #35

Do you feel stuck and not sure what to do? What's really stopping you is your own fear! Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear or loss! These fears are so real in running a business and its so...
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34. Protecting Your Abundance

Episode #34

Do you feel like you're having more and more abundance as you run your own business, but that other people in your life are just trying to bring you down? Learning how to generate abundance and keep it by protecting...
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33. Worst Decision You Can Make

Episode #33

Do you worry a lot about making decisions for your business? Do you like to think and rethink and stall actually deciding? This is what I like to call indecision and what is actually itself the worst decision you can...
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32. Entrepreneur Families with Kandice Hilton

Episode #32

Are you the only entrepreneur in your family? Listen to this interview with wedding photographer Kandice Hilton about how she started a business with her husband and how they went all in to have wonderful success. If...
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31. Easy Business Skills

Episode #31

Want to know what the easy business skills are? Its the ones you already know! And any you want to know really because when you stick with it in the uncomfortable new skills that you don't know how to do, with time...
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30. Taking Care of You First with Dakota Ashtin

Episode #30

So many women give all of their energy to their family, their business, but not themselves. And then they wonder why they burn out. Learning how to take care of yourself first is an important skill in running your...
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29. Trust Yourself

Episode #29

Trusting yourself is one of the most important things you can do in running your own business. I've seen to many clients looking for all the answers outside of themselves, and helping them to go inward and know what...
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28. Level Up! Part 2

Episode #28

Are you ready to level up after last week? If you still need to know all the detail of what we will be covering in my FREE workshop on May 15-19, listen to this episode to hear the last 3 parts: Utilizing emotions,...
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27. Level Up! Part 1

Episode #27

Are you ready to level up to who you really are within to naturally level up your business as well? I am offering a FREE 5 day workshop on May 15-19 and in this episode give an actual preview of what we will be...
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26. Comparison with Missy Allred

Episode #26

Do you find yourself in the trap of comparison often? This is something every human can lean to but especially women to find validation and feel better about themselves, but if ofetn sabatoges and really emphasises...
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25. Behind the Scenes

Episode #25

There's lots of advice out there about what to do to make your business work, but what about the things you do to make your business work that are not direclty related to your business per say, but do make all the...
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