Power Women

Power Women

Hosted by: Aubin Palmer

You really do have the power to create everything you want in life and business! Listen to this podcast to really dive into your power with mindset, money and marketing as a woman running her own business to feel...

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48. Love Instagram Again

Do you have a hard time with Instagram and not feeling stressed or overwhelmed on how its still not working for you how you thought it would? What if you I told you that you are just where you need to be to build a...
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47. Is it true?

Learning to look at what you are believing is true about you and your business, and life for that matter, is one of the most empowering things you can do! Your brain thinks everything it thinks is true, but learning...
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46. Manifestation Rewritten with Matika Warner

Have you tried manifesting what you want in your life an business but been discouraged when it didn't work how you wanted? Listen to this week's episode with guest Matika Warner where we go deep into how she has found...
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45. Create What You Really Want with Brit Murdock

Do you know what you really desire in your life? Finding your true desires overall can be very helpful in creating a business that helps to live this purpose and make your desires so much easier to create because the...
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44. Taking things from the inside out with Annette Jones

Feeling lost on how to feel confident and aligned in your business and/or as a mother as well? Listen to this episode where I talk with Annette Jones who is a coach all about helping moms know what they want to do for...
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43. Secret to Real Abundance

Have you had moments of feeling abundant and that you had enough, but then it leaves as quickly as it came? Listen as I share this story with working with a client whose business was working great, she had big dreams...
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42. CEO to CEO with Kaitlin Burge

Being the CEO of your own business can feel intimidating, but listening to the story of Kaitlyn Burge and how she chose to quit her job as the CEO of a corporate company and start her own business is inspiring and...
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41. Imposter Syndrome

Do you feel unqualified for what you do ever? This is more common than you might think, and is the basis for what is known as imposter syndrome. Listen to this episode as I discuss the orgins of imposter syndrome and...
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40. Your Relationship with yourself with Trisha Biesinger

How is your relationship with yourself? How much you love yourself actually is your capacity to love others and love is behind all the service you do in your business. Listen as I talk with relationship coach, Trisha...
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39. Illogical Fears

Episode #39

Do you feel stuck in some of your fears for running your business? Especially the illogical ones? I want you to feel the power to do anything you want to do in your business and life and its there for you more than...
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38. Feminine Energy with Money

How. much do you embody your feminine energy? especially in your business with money? If you're ready to fully understand and live in your essence of feminine energy and attract money to you you must listen to this...
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37. Creating New Habits

Episode #37

Do you wish you could get into better habits to get everything done everyday? Leaning into your power as a human and woman will make it so much easier. This includes 3 steps to make it create new habits that I share...
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